Boogie Woogie Beethoven


Beethoven wouldn't Boogie-Woogie, Would He? Beethoven's
Moonlight Sonata
Third Movement
Beethoven at the turn of the 19th century!
Presto Agitato
Boogie Woogie
Beethoven 2.0
Beethoven at the turn of the 21st century?
Mezzo Forte
Mr. Leprechaun Irish Jig Counterpoint
for banjo and fiddle.
The Saraband,
a stately Spanish dance.
Saraband A memory.

Optimized for MIDI WaveTable Synthesis.
All music written, performed and copyrighted by Lee Croteau,
except the Moonlight Sonata which was
composed by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1802. 
Original performance by Lee Croteau.
All rights reserved. ©1998-2001

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Mo's Sonata Mo's Sonata Mo writes pretty good music, too.

Optimized for MIDI WaveTable Synthesis.
Original Tune by Mo Zart.
Performance and original accompanyment by Lee Croteau.
All rights reserved. ©1995, 1999


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The Composer
Meet the Composer
Meet the Composer Behind
Boogie Woogie Beethoven 2.0


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